RHEL8 Operating System An Introduction | Basic Package Management Commands | Modules Commands | Application Streams Commands

RHEL8 is the latest enterprise Linux operating system.Installing and using RHEL 8 is much easier than previous releases.Previously, there were server, workstation, and desktop variants, but RHEL 8 uses one installation medium for all variants.Redhat 8 is categories with three basic repositories as mentioned below.

Base OS:Core Operating system with lifetime support.

AppStream: Includes applications & components

Code Ready Builder: additional libraries & tools for devlopers

Supplementary: 3rd party applications support

Compilers, runtimes, web/database servers, and development tools will generally be delivered as Application Streams from the AppStream repo.

Universal Base Image (UBI)

The Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) provides a freely redistribution, enterprise-grade base container image on which developers can build and deliver their applications. This means you can containerize your app in UBI and deploy it anywhere. Of course, it will be more secure and Red Hat supported when deployed on RHEL or Red Hat OpenShift, but now you have more options. There are separate UBI 7 and UBI 8 versions for RHEL 7 and 8, respectively. You can obtain a number of RHEL container images from the Red Hat container catalog.

Commands You Might Have to Run After Installation of RHEL8

#yum update && upgrade

update the repository & update the system

#yum search "string"

search for a package matching with string 

#yum install "package name"

installing a package with its name

#yum update "package name"

updating a package with its name

#yum remove "package name"

remove/uninstall a package & its dependency from system

#yum history undo last

undo the last execution of install/uninstall process of an package from system

#yum list all

list all install & available packages in the system

#subscription-manager repos --list

list all available repositories

#yum repolist

list only enabled repositories

#subscription -manager repos --enable "repository name"

enable a repository

#subscription -manager repos --disable "repository name"

disable a repository

Container Application Development Tools

Buildah allows you to build a container without any daemon or docker.

Podman allows you to manage containers without the daemon dependency it’s also docker cli compatible.

#yum install podman -y

Finding And Exploring Modules

#yum module list

list all modules

#yum module list installed

list installed modules

#yum module provides packages

finds which module provides a package

#yum module info "module"

examine details of a module

#yum module info --profile module:stream

list packages installed by profiles of a module

#yum module list module

display the current status of modules

#yum module enable module:stream

enable a specific stream without installing packages

#yum module install module:stream/profile

install a specific stream

#yum module disable module

disable a module

#yum module remove module

remove a module

Installing Specific Applications Streams in RHEL8

List of available application streams in RHEL8 is mentioned below. Please run every command root.

.NET Core 2.1

yum install dotnet

Ant 1.1

yum install ant

Buildah 1.5 & podman 1.0

yum install buildah podman

Clang/LLVM 7.0

yum install llvm-toolset

GCC 8.2 + complementary tools

yum group install "Development Tools"

GO 1.11

yum install go-toolset


yum install httpd

MariaDB 10.3

yum install mariadb

Maven 3.5

yum install maven


yum install mysql

Nginx 1.14

yum install nginx

Node.js 10

yum install nodejs

OpenJDK 11

yum install java-11-openjdk-devel

OpenJDK 8

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

PCP 4.3

yum install pcp-zeroconf

Perl 5.26 & 5.24

yum install perl

PHP 7.2

yum install php

PostgreSQL 10.5

yum install postgresql

PostgreSQL 9.6

yum module install postgresql:9.6

Python 2.7

yum install python2 or yum module install python27

Python 3.6

yum install python3 or yum module install python36

Redis 5

yum install redis

Ruby 2.5

yum install ruby

Rust 1.31

yum install rust-toolset

Scala 2.10

yum install scala

Subversion 1.1

yum install subversion

Swig 3

yum install swig

Systemtap 4.0

yum install systemtap

Valgrind 3.14

yum install valgrind

Varnish 6

yum install varnish

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