Best Alternative Of Social Media Networking Sites / App

If you are serious about your online privacy then you should have to stop using main stream popular applications. Main stream applications may track you for your online activities like browsing , shopping, interests etc. They use that information to serve you better advertisement of your interests.But What if these also can access you private data like your passwords, bank details , contacts etc or if some how their servers would be hacked by hackers. All these information will be public and it will put you on risk with a single second. So that is the reason now people are concern about their privacy and security over internet. You will be thankful to open standard community which works arround the globe to tackle this issue and provide opensource , privacy oriented , secure applications/services for its users. Most of them are funded by thier users arround the globe one of them is Wikipedia. Its a free service where you can access any information on any subject for free of cost. It is running by its volunteers arround the globe. you never have seen an advertisement or any special permissions to access your data while accessing wikipedia. In this post I will list some applications/services which are free and privacy oriented and secure to use and best alternate of mainstream applications. lets start...

Search Engine

You might think that how main stream searches can be tracked while there is no advertisement on their home page. Thats the myth most of the time you are being tracked via your browser(cookies),your IP address , location, and Mac addresses. Below are the main stream search engines and their alternate

Main Stream Search Engine




Best Alternate

Duck Duck Go

Epic Search



Social Media Sites/Apps

We all use social media platforms to express our feelings, incidents, moments etc. But what these all inforamtion are used to control ourself . Most of the time when you use social media platform they are collecting your personal information e.g your name, age, gender, interests, profession etc. And according to these info they show you related posts videos peoples and advertisement and try to make you involve with their services. Also these information are used to sell with thier partner compnies for their own profits. Below are some main stream social media apps / websites and their alternate.

Main Stream Social Networking Sites





Best Alternate (Social Networking)

Mastodon : A Community Owned Selfhosted Ad-Free Social Platform.

HubZilla A Self Hosted Decentralized Federated Social Network.

MeWe : A Self Claimed Privacy Oriented Social Network Platform.

GAB : A Free Speech Social Network Platform.

LinkedIN : Social Network Platform For Professionals.

Medium : A Blogging Base Social Network Platform.

Reddit : A Community Based Social Network Platform.

Tumblr : An Alternate Of Instagram.

Quora : A Knowledge Base Social Network Platform Where You Learn And Share Posts Of Your Interests

Main Stream Instant Messenger/Chat Apps






Best Alternate (Instant Messenger/Chat Apps)

Signal : A Privacy Oriented Secure Instant Messaging App. (Recommended)

Telegram : An Enriched Featured Instant Messaging App.

Element : An Open Network For Secure, Decentralized Communication Based On Matrix

Discord : A Community Based Chatting And VoIP App

Session : A Opensource , Anonymous, Secure Chat App

Main Stream Video/Picture Share Apps Apps

Instagram : Photo & Video Sharing App.

Pinterest : Photo, Gifs and Video Sharing Social Networking Site.

Best Alternate (Video/Picture Share Apps)

Tumblr : An Alternate Of Instagram.

Dronestagram : Photo and Video Sharing Networking Site Specialy For Drone Photography.

Behance : A Social Media Platform Owned By Adobe.

Note: The main purpose of this post is to provide the alternate options of current popular App/Networking Site. I am not suggesting you to use these apps or services. Not all the sites or apps are opensource and privacy oriented but provide equivalent services. You are advised to read privacy policy before using any app or site.

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